JACK OX jackox@comcast.net 505-217-2167 2710 Hyder Ave SE Albuquerque, NM 87106
Ph.D School of Design, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 2011-15
M.F.A. University of California, San Diego, 1975-77
B.F.A. San Francisco Art Institute,1967-69
University of Colorado, Boulder,1965-67
Yale University School of Art & Architecture, New Haven, Connecticut, 1974-75
Manhattan School of Music, New York City,1980-82
Phonetik-Institut, Universität Köln, 1992
2015: Creative Director for Intermedia Projects Inc.
2014-Research Fellow at the University of Texas, Dallas, Art-Sci Lab @ ATEC
2014-present: Research Associate @ Center for Advanced Research Computing, University of New Mexico
2010-14: Associate Research Professor, Department of Music, College of Fine Arts, University of New Mexico
2007-2010 : Assistant Research Professor, Department of Art and Art History, College of Fine Arts, University of New Mexico
2009-14: Associated Faculty with the Center for Advanced Research Computing, University of New Mexico
2007-2009: Associated with the Center for High Performance Computing, UNM
2005-2007: Artist in Residence and Research Associate at the ARTS Lab, UNM
2005: Moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico after experiencing Katrina
2002-2005: Live and worked in New Orleans, La.
1987-1993: Lived and worked in Cologne, Germany
1979-2002: Lived and worked in New York City
Ox, Jack (2016) Color Systems are Categories that Carry Meaning in Visualizations: A Conceptual Metaphor Theory Approach in the Proceedings of the Society for Imaging and Science and Technology: IS&T Intermational Symposium of Electronic Imaging; Human Vision and Electronic Imaging (DOI: 10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2016.16 HVEI-141), San Francisco, California.
Ox, Jack (2014) Analogy and Conceptual Blending are Part of a Visualization Toolkit for Artists and Scientists: Introducing the Cognitive Space Transfer in the Proceedings of the IEEE VIS 2014 Arts Program, VISAP'14: Art+Interpretation, Paris, France, November 9th-14th.
Ox, Jack (2014) Editorial: Art-Science Is a Conceptual Blend. Leonardo, 47 (5), 2014.
Ox, Jack, & Lowenberg, Richard. (2013). What is the Challenge of Art/Science Today and HowDo We Address It? Leonardo, 46(1), 2013.
Ox, Jack, & Lowenberg, Richard. (2013)White-paper for SEAD (http://seadnetwork.wordpress.com/white-paper-abstracts/final-white-papers/), which was compiled into a draft report and presented in Wash. D.D. on May 16 at a SEAD gathering hosted by the National Endowment for the Arts and included the National Science Foundation.
Ox, Jack, & van der Elst, Judith. (2011) How Metaphor functions as a Vehicle of Thought: Creativity as a necessity for knowledge building and communication. Journal of Visual Arts Practice, 10 (1), 83-102.
Ox, Jack. (2010). A 21st-Century Pedagogical Plan for Artists: How Should We Be Training Artists for Today? LEONARDO; Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology, 43, 2.
hertz, Paul, & Ox, Jack. (2008). Intermedia Patterns: Notes for Building a Toolkit. [Peer Reviewed and invitationa Journal of Digital and Media Arts]. College Art Association's New Media Caucas, Online Journal: Media-N, 4(1). Retrieved from NMC Media-N: Journal of the New Media Caucas website: http://www.newmediacaucus.org/html/journal/issues.php?f=papers&time=2008_spring&page=hertz_ox
van der Elst, Judith, & Ox, Jack. (2006). Space and Time: Virtual Reality and the Art of Experience. Paper presented at the From Space to Place: 2nd International conference on Remote Sensing in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop., Rome, Italy.
Ox, Jack. (2006). The Global Artists' Diaspora and the LambdaRail. LEONARDO; Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology, 39, 389.
Ox, Jack. (2005). Gridjam. Paper presented at the Creativity and Cognition 2005, London, UK.
Borusiewicz, Miroslaw. (2003). Jack Ox ; Visualizing Music: Kurt Schwitters' Ursonate and Beyond. In Miroslaw Borusiewicz (Ed.), Jack Ox; Ursonate Kurta schwittersa, Obrazowanie muzyki. Lodz: Muzeum Sztuki.
Ox, Jack. (2002). The Color Organ and Collaboration. In Linda Candy & E. A. Edmonds (Eds.), Explorations in Art and Technology (pp. 211--218, 302). London, UK: Springer.
Ox, Jack. (2002). Two Performances in the 21st Century Virtual Color Organ. Paper presented at the Creativity and Cognition 2002, Loughborough University, UK.
Ox, Jack. (2002). Keynote speaker; Two Performances in the 21st Century Virtual Color Organ. Paper presented at the Creativity and Cognition, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK.
Ox, Jack. (2001). 2 Performances in the 21st Century Virtual Organ: Gridjam and Im Januar am Nil. Paper presented at the Seventh International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia: Enhance realities: Augmented and Unplugged, Center for Design Visualization, UC Berkeley.
Ox, Jack. (2001). Visualization and Art of Metaphor In the 21st C. Virtual Organ. Ylem: Artist Using Science and Technology newsletter, 21(10 & 12).
Ox, J., & Mandelbroijt, J. (2001 ). Special Section Introduction: Intersenses/Intermedia: A Theoretical Perspective. Leonardo, 34(1), 47-48.
Ox, Jack, & Britton, Dave. (2000). The 21st Century Virtual Reality Color Organ. IEEE MultiMedia, Journal of IEEE Computer Society, 7(3), 2-5.
Ox, Jack. (1999). reprint: Creating a Visual Translation of Kurt Schwitters' URSONATE Ylem: Artist Using Science and Technology newsletter, 19(2), 13-15.
Ox, Jack. (1999). Color Me Synesthesia. Leonardo, 32(1), 7-8.
Ox, Jack. (1999). Synesthetic Fusion in the Digital Age. Leonardo, Digital Salon Issue, 32(5), 391-392.
Hossmann, Gisele, & Ox, Jack. (1998). Jack Ox–From Merz to Ur; Kurt Schwitters' Hanover Merzbau and Ursonate, Visual Reinterpretation and Realization.
New Architecture; The End of Innovation in Architecture, 116--119.
Ox, Jack. (1993). Creating a Visual Translation of Kurt Schwitters' Ursonate. Leonardo Music Journal, 3, 59-61.
Ox, Jack. (1993). Editorial: Intellectual Versus Property Rights Leonardo (Vol. 26): MIT Press.
Ox, Jack. (1993). Bilder nach Kompositionen. Positionen, 17.
Ox, Jack. (1990-96). Ursonate, from http://www.jackox.net/pages/Ursonate/ur_MAINindex.html
Ox, Jack. (1990). The Systematic Translation of Anton Bruckner's Eighth Symphony into a Series of Thirteen Paintings. Paper presented at the Bruckner Symposion 1990, Linz, Austria.
Ox, Jack, & Frank, Peter. (1984). The Systematic Translation of Musical Compositions into Paintings. LEONARDO; Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology, 17(3), 152-158.
Ox, Jack. (1983-91). Anton Bruckner: Eighth Symphony from http://www.jackox.net/pages/bruckner/bruckner1.html
Ox, Jack. (1981). Igor Stravinsky: Symphony in Three Movements. In Uta Brandes, Michael Erlhoff & Paul Komer (Eds.), Zweitschrift (Vol. 9, pp. 28-30). Hannover, Germany.
Ox, Jack. (1981-82). Visualization of Claude Debussy's "Nuages" from "The Nocturnes"", from http://www.jackox.net/pages/Debussy/Nuages1.html
Ox, Jack. (1979-80). Igor Stravinsky: Symphony in three Movements, from http://www.jackox.net/pages/stravinsky1.html
Participation in Forest Bathing, a research project centered in a specific Italian forest where we will be installing a grid of sensor devices for air movement, smells, and sounds.
I personally will be working with the collected data in visualization. Collaborators include Dr. Judith van der Elst, Prof. Almo Farina, and Dr. Peter Beyls, Raewyn Turner
and Brian Harris among others.
Co-Editor of Special Three-Year Section, "The Ph.D. in Art and Design" in
Leonardo: Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology
Program Co-Chair for Creativity & Cognition 13, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.
Board of Editors for Design, Economics, and Innovation Quarterly (DEIQ)
Co-Director of SARC (Scientist Artist Research Collaboration) as part ISEA2012 [International Society of Electronic Arts] to be held in New Mexico. SARC will be built into a sustainable program co-directed by Richard Lowenberg and Jack Ox.
Six month appointment to National Science Foundation: Innovations in Biological Imaging and Innovation Ideas Lab.
Global Intermedial Gateway Platform as part of the College of Fine Arts proposed “Experimental Learning Laboratory”.
College of Fine Arts New Paradigm Project, Global Intermedia Gateway (GIG), University of New Mexico.
Program Co-Chair for Creativity & Cognition 09, University of California, Berkeley, California
College of Fine Arts New Paradigm Project, U. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico
College of Fine Arts Research Grant: development of Gridjam
€5,000 granted by B. Schott Verlag und Wergo Schallplatten towards a DVD production of the Gridjam.
College of Fine Arts Research Grant: Gridjam
Co-curator of Abstract Visual Music Exhibition for the Digital Salon at the School of Visual Arts, NYC
Adolf and Esther Gottlieb Foundation
Year of the Artist grant and residency at the U. of Loughborough, Leicestershire, England
Research and development money given by Ars Electronica for project in CAVE
National Center for Supercomputing Applications at UIUC, invited to do preliminary work in CAVE
Co-editor of Leonardo Synesthesia Special Project
Sponsorship by Xerox Engineering Systems, Germany
"Kurt Schwitters' URSONATE" Original Performance by Kurt Schwitters on Wergo (WER 6304-2) found and brought to publication by Jack Ox.
Jahresgaben artist, Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne,
Art in the Embassies Program, U.
Creative Director of Intermedia Projects Inc and Board member. A nonprofit 501(C)3
Associate Editor of she ji: The journal of Design, Economics and Innovation: Tongji University and Tongji University Press.
Co-Editor of Special Three-Year Section, "The Ph.D. in Art and Design" in
Leonardo: Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology
Albuquerque Public Art Committee
Guest Editor with Jeremy Hight and Erik Champion: LEA (Leonardo Electronic Almanac) Special Issue: Creative Data
2008- present
Editorial board of the Journal of Visual Arts Practice
2007- present
Advisory Council for the Center for Visual Music, Los Angeles, California
2006- 2011
Artist in Resident and Research Associate at the ARTSLab, University of New Mexico
Visiting Artist at CRCA and CAL(IT)2 at the University of Calif. at San Diego
Visiting Artist residency at the Art and Technology Center, and the Albuquerque High Performance Computing Center at the University of New Mexico
Visiting Fellow at Creativity and Cognition, LUTCHI Research Centre, U. of Loughborough,UK
Visiting Fellow, Department of Computer Science, LUTCHI Research Centre, U. of Loughborough, UK Board of Directors New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc.2000- present
International Co-Editor, Leonardo: Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology
Co-editor of Special Section in Leonardo: Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology called “Synesthesia and Intersense (co-editor is Jacques Mandelbrojt)
Board of Directors for Art Science Collaborations Inc., New York, NY
Jury member for "Multiple Sounds Festival" Competition for Young Artists, Intro Foundation, Maastricht (Netherlands)
Editorial Advisor, Leonardo: Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology
" Lecture in Music and the Visual Art in the 20th and 21st Centuries in the PhD seminar at Arizona State University of Sabine Feisst.
"SLSA 2017The Time Bracket Challenge: The Legacy of 4'33" in 6'40, Ox presented her visualization of Cage's 4'33" in a print portfolio, ASU, Arizona.
"Color Systems are Categories are Categories that Carry Meaning in Visualizations: A conceptual metaphor theory approach," Third Internatinal Conference in Code Biology, Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, Centro internazionale di Scienze Semiotiche, Urbino 24-28 May 2016, University of Urbino, Italy.
Participant in The Periodic Table , 2-day event and workshop, Macaerata Feltria, Carpegna, and Urbino, May 21-22, 2016, Montefeltro, Italy.
Performance of Kurt Schwitters' Ursonate with Kristen Loree and Ox images, Department of Music, May 4, University of California at Santa Barbara.
"Color Systems are Categories are Categories that Carry Meaning in Visualizations: A conceptual metaphor theory approach," IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging science and technology conference, invited speaker in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging (HVEI), 14-18 February, San Francisco, CA.
Performance of Kurt Schwitters' Ursonate by Jack Ox and Kristen Loree at the HAW Hamburg Arts and Media Campus Finkenau, klingt gut! Symposium on Sound, Hamburg, Germany.
"Analogy and Conceptual Blending Used to Create Music Visualizations:Introducing the Cognitive Space Transfer," klingt gut! Symposium on Sound, Hamburg, Germany.
"Introduction to Analogy and Conceptual Blending in a Conceptual Visualization Toolkit for Artists and Scientist," DATA 2 KNOWLEDGE , presented by IT and CARC at the University of New Mexico,
February 20, 2015.
Performance of Kurt Schwitters' Ursonate (Fourth Movement) the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA) in the Digital Dome, January 30, 2015, with images by Jack Ox, vocals by
Kristen Loree, and digital design and projection by Jane Crayton and Charles Veasey.
"Rich Gold, artist, scientist, engineer, designer, inspired by Fluxus", at FLUID: SLSA 2014, hosted by Southern Methodist University, Dallas.
"Art-Science is a Conceptual Blend: This can be used to quantify the proportion of art to science in a work." SECAC (South East Art Association) Conference at the Ringling Museum, Sarasota.
ISA XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology––Facing and Unequal World: Challenges for Global Sociology: Thoughts After SARC (Scientists, Artists Research Collaborations at ISEA2012 New Mexico)
Presentation on dissertation titled "Manifestations of Conceptual Metaphor and Blending Theories" at The Biomedical Informatics Seminar Series in the Medical School Library at the University of New Mexico.
Postnatural//SLSA Congerence 2013, University of Notre Dame, "Cognitive Science for a New Analysis of Fluxus Event Scores, presented as part of "The Science(s) of Fluxus Panel."
"Exploring Visual Music," a special one-day Symposium at UC Santa Barbara, orgainized by the Center for Visual Music and Media Arts and Technology at UCSB, November 16. Jack Ox presented: "Thirty Years Cruising through Visualization of Music."
Ursonate performance (including Ox, Kristen Loree, and Jane daPain) at ISEA2012, Lockheed Martin 4K Dyna Theater, Albuqueque, NM, September 20.
CAA2012 Conference, "Is it Time to Question the Priveleging of Visual Art?", co-chairs Greta Berman and Ellen K. Levy (with Anjan Chatterjee, John Onians, Elizabeth Secker, David rosenboom, dissharth Ramakrishnan) Video segment from Kurt Schwitters' Ursonate, performed by Kristen Loree with digital projections by Ox.
Supercomputing2011 National LambdaRail Ursonate performance with Kristen Loree recitation from the Center for Advanced Research Computing at the University of New Mexico and Ox doing digital projections at SC11 a total of seven times, demonstrating networking capabilities.
Ursonate performance with Kristen Loree recitation and projections by Ox as part of “The Next Big Idea Festival” September, Los Alamos, New Mexico.
Second International Conference on Computational Creativity, April, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Unidad Cuajimalpa, Mexico City: “Conceptual Metaphor Theory in Information Perceptualization for Science, Design, and Art”
Ursonate performance with Kristen Loree recitation and projections by Ox at The Albuquerque Museum, October 24.
Lecture: “The Gridjam: a real-time, internationally geographically distributed, multimedia event, over high-speed, low latency optical networks”
Lecture: “Visualization and the Art of Metaphoric Mapping in Science and Art”
College Art Association, Leonardo Education and Art Forum; Migratory Structures: Scientific Imagery and Contemporary Art Practice; "Visualization and the Art of Mapping"
Cyberinfrastructure Days at the University of Texas-Pan American, "The Gridjam", March 27, Edinburg, Texas.
Ursonate performance with Kristen Loree recitation and projections by Ox at Chapel Performance Space, Seattle, Washington.
Interdisciplinary Film and Digital Media (IFDM) class Co-taught and created for the 3rd cohort in IFDM program; “Practical Intermediations”.
University of Houston Downtown Cyberinfrastructure Day, "Content on the National Lambdarail: Gridjam", November, Houston, Texas.
CAA's New Media Caucas, Online Journal; Journal: Media-N, "Intermedia Patterns: Notes for Building a Toolkit", by Paul Hertz and Jack Ox, March 2008. http://www.newmediacaucus.org/html/journal/issues.php?f=papers&time=2008_spring&page=front
New Mexico Cyberinfrastructure Day, "21st Century Relevance: Gridjam", New Mexico Highlands University, March 10 & 11, Las Vegas, New Mexico.
Center for Computation and Technology at Lousiana State University: Computing in the Arts and Humanities Lecture Series, Gridjam.
Tutorial: "Visualization and the Art of Metaphor", 6th Creativity & Cognition Conference, Seeding Creativity; tools, Media, and Environments, Washington, DC.
SuperComputing'07, Education Program; Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences; Gridjam, Reno, Nevada.
“Visualization and Metaphor” a special-topics class, co-developed and taught with Judith V. der Elst, at the University of New Mexico.
OptIPuter; All Hands meeting and Open House, Calit2@UCSD, La Jolla, CA- for streaming video please go to http://www.calit2.net/newsroom/article.php?id=1025
From Space To Place: 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing in Archaeology, Virtual Reality and the Art of Experience, co-authored with Judith V.der Elst, Dec. 4-8, Rome.
Creativity and Cognition2005 at Goldsmith's College, London.
Northwestern University's Center for Art and Technology, Colloquium in Art and Technology, Spring 2005 , GridJam.
Tate Britain Museum, London , England. “MERZ-LAND: Kurt Schwitters in England”.
"Artspeak", Contemporary Art Center, New Orleans, La.
University of California at San Diego School of Medicine “Humanism in Medicine”
McDonough Museum, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio
Key Note Speaker at “Creativity and Cognition2002”, Loughborough University, UK
“Quintessence: The Clumpy Matter of Art, Math and Science Visualiation”, The Banff New Media Institute , The Banff Centre, Canada.
ISEA (Inter-Society for Electronic Arts), Co-chair with Paul Hertz: “Intermedia Art in the Digital Age”, and paper given: “2 Performances in the 21st C. Virtual Color Organ TM"
4th International Digital Arts and Culture Conference, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. Symposium in Art and Technology: Immersive Environments, .Block Museum of Art, Northwestern University, Chicago, Ill.
Siggraph, Co-chair with Paul Herz: “Erasing the Boundaries: Intermedia”, also own paper on “2 Performances in the Virtual Color OrganTM", Los Angeles, CA.
Seventh International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia, Enhanced Realities: Augmented and Unplugged, “2 Performances in the 21st. Century Virtual Color OrganTM: GridJam and Im Januar am Nil", University of California at Berkeley
CRCA (Center for Research in Computing and the Arts)and CAL (IT)2
University of Calif. at San Diego.
College Art Association, “Color Me Synesthesia” on the panel “Music of the Spheres” chaired by Greta Berman and Charles Gross, New York City
International Conference on Complex Systems, New England complex systems Institute “A Complex system for the Visualization of Music, Including the Journey from 2D to Virtual"
Wired and Dangerous” The Impact of Technology on the Creative Process, , Leicester, England. Paper given (and webcast) , on panel of Ernest Edmonds.
Arts and Technology Center, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Lecture and workshop with David Britton, collaborator in the Virtural Color OrganTM: first attempt at GridJam on the AccessGrid between BU and UNM.
MIT, Center for Advanced Visual Studies, seminar on Ox work.
“INTERSENS; correpondances & nouvelles technologies”, Laboratoire Musique et Informatique de Marseille [MIM} Paper give by Jean-Yves Bosseur on the work of Jack Ox
Paper given by Jack Ox on the Virtual Color OrganTM.
“Invencao: thinking the next mellennium programme”, sponsoredby ISEA, Leonardo, CAiia-Star, and ItaU cultural;Sau Paulo, Brazil
Alliance Chautauqua 99, Boston University, “Innovations in Science, Computing, and Grid Technology”, Boston, Mass.
“Merzbarn: Kurt Schwitters in England”, International conference about the Marzbarn and its critical legacy at Ambleside and Langdale, Cumbria, England.
“The 21st Century Vitual Color OrganTM”, for the Cyberarts: A New Aesthetic at The Center for Advanced Study, and the Beckman Inst. for Adv. Science and Technology at the U. of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign.
“ARTSCI 99, nurturing collaboration”, Artist-Scientist Teams- Jack Ox & David Britton, New York
Podewil, Berlin
The Kitchen, “Ten Years of Essential Music” festival, with Dary John Mizelle, SUNY, Purchase
San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco
Neue Galerie der Stadt Linz ,[Austria]
University of California at San Diego at CRCA’s “InterArts Series”
Musée national d'art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou; Kurt Schwitters Retrospective
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, ICP Univ. Stendhal, Grenoble
Phonetik-Institut, Universität Köln
Bauhaus-Archiv, Berlin
Hochschule für Musik, Cologne
Juilliard School of Music, New York
Otis Parsons School of Art, Los Angeles
International Bruckner Symposium: Anton Bruckner Institute, Linz (Austria)
Julliard School of Music, New York
"Music To My Eyes" panel, "Artists Talk on Art: series”,
22 Wooster Street Gallery, New York
Manhattan School Of Music, New York
De La Mott-Haber, Helga. (1996). Klangkunst – eine neue Gattung. In Berlin Akademie der Künste (Ed.), Klangkunst (pp. 12-17). New York: Prestel.
Dill, Claus-Michael, & Gallwitz, Klaus. (2001). AXA Art: Corporate Collecting Today. Cologne: AXA Art Versicherung.
Borusiewicz, Miroslaw. (2003). Jack Ox; Visualizing Music: Kurt Schwitters' Ursonate and Beyond. In Miroslaw Borusiewicz (Ed.), Jack Ox: Ursonate Kurta Schwittersa Obrazowanie muzyki. Lodz: Muzeum Sztuki.
Butsch, Daniela (Writer). (1997). Jack Ox-Intermedia Artist: a video document [Video- documentary]. Berlin.
Candy, Linda, & Edmonds, Ernest. (2002). Explorations in Art and Technology. London: Springer Verlag.
Dossier. (1994). La Ursonate. In Serge Lemoine & Didier Semin (Eds.), KURT SCHWITTERS (pp. 257). Paris: Centre Pompidou.
Engel, Walther. (2008). Soundcheck SII. Braunschweig: Schöningh Winklers GmbH.
Panhuysen, Paul, & Panhuysen, Helene. (1991). Het Apollohuis 1980-1990. Eindhoven: Het Apollohuis.
Hoffman, Heike. (1996). Al Hansen: An Introspective. Cologne: Kölnishces Stadt Museum.
Oberhuber, Konrad, Gnann, Achim, Widauer, Heinz, & Willinger, Brigette. (2000). Festschrift für Konrad Oberhuber. Milan: Electra.
Jewanski, & Sidler, Natalia. (2006). Farbe – Licht - Musik; Synästhesie und Farblichtmusik. Bern: Peter Lang.
Junot, Philippe. (1988). La Musique vue par les Peintres. Lausanne: Edita S. A.
Junot, Philippe. (2006). Contrepoints Dialigues Entre Musique et Peinture. Geneva: Editions Contrechamps.
Junot, Philippe. (2017). De la fraternité des arts: Nouveaux contrpoints: Infolio editions.
Mahlow, Dietrich. (1987). -auf ein Wort! Aspekte visueller Poesie und visueller Musik
v. Maur, Karin. (1985). Vom Klang der Bilder. Munich: Prestel-Verlag.
v. Maur, Karin. (1999). The Sound of Painting in Modern Art. Munich: Prestel-Verlag.
De La Mott-Haber, Helga. (1990). Musik und bildende Kunst: von der Tonmalerei zur Klangskulptur. Laaber: Laaber-Verlag.
Ocvirk, Otto, & al, et. (2006). ART FUNDAMENTAL: Theory and Practice (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Ocvirk, Otto, & al], [et. (2009). ART FUNDAMENTALS; Theory and Practice (11th ed.).
Stadtmüller, Klaus. (1997). Schwitters in Norwegen. Hanover: Postskriptum Verlag.
Stafford, Barbara Maria. (2018). Impossible to Name: Performing the Ineffable. In C. Albu & D. Schuld (Eds.), Perception and Agency in Shared Spaces of Contemporary Art. Florence, Kentucky: Routledge; Talor & Francis Group
Wellershoff, Dieter. (1990). Pan und die Engel: Ansichten von Köln. Cologne: Verlag Kiepenheuer & Witsch.
Wilson, Stephen. (2001). Information arts: intersections of art, science , and technology. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
Ursonate: The complete painting, exhibited at the Mesa Public Library Gallery as part of the “Next Big Idea Festival”, with Ox and Kristen Loree as Artist’s in Residence, September, Los Alamos, New Mexico.
The Albuquerque Museum of Art and History, Ursonate projections by Ox and recitation by Kristen Loree, with the Fourth Movement of the Ursonate painting installed, Oct. 24.
George Pearl Hall School of Architecture and Planning, University of New Mexico, Ursonate Painting, with projections by Ox and recitation by Kristen Loree in the George Pearl Hall Auditorium, Albuquerque New Mexico. This performance and exhibition are part of the Robb Composer's Symposium of New Music, a production of The College of Fine Arts ' Music Department at UNM.
Muzeum Sztuki, Lodz, Poland. The Jack Ox exhibition is in conjunction with Poland’s first major Kurt Schwitters exhibition in Poland.
Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans, La
@art gallery <http://www.art.uiuc.edu/@art> “JackOx creates a systematic visual translation of Kurt Schwitters, Ursonate for @art”, U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
“The English Landscape Prints from Ursonate visualization”, Merzbotschaft Gallery, Ambleside, England.
Die Alstervilla Stiftung zur Förderung zeitgenössicsche Kunst, Hamburg.
Galerie Wolfram u. Andrea Cornelisen, (Georgeborn-Schlangenbad) Wiesbaden.
Stephen Gang Gallery, New York City.
Die Neue Galerie der Stadt Linz, (Austria).
Galerie Chobot, Vienna.
Catharine Clark Gallery as part of SoundCulture’96, San Francisco.
National Arts Club, New York City.
Galerie Schüppenhauer, Cologne.
Frankfurt Art Fair (Galerie Schüppenhauer).
CeBIT computer fair with Xerox Engineering Systems, Hannover.
Dellbrück Bank, Cologne.
Galerie Chobot, Vienna.
Meyers/Bloom Gallery, Santa Monica, California.
Galerie Henn, Maastricht (Holland).
Kunsthalle, Bremen (Germany).
Galerie Schüppenhauer, Cologne.
Galerie Chobot, Vienna (Austria).
Galerie Inge Baecker, Cologne.
University of California, Irvine, California.
Het Apollohuis, Eindhoven (Netherlands).
Gloria Luria Gallery, Miami, Florida.
Schreiber/Cutler, Inc., New York City.
Galerie del Naviglio, Milan (Italy).
California State University Dominguez Hills (Los Angeles).
Condeso/Lawler Gallery, New York City.
Galerie Geilsdörfer, Cologne.
University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Galerie Geilsdörfer, Cologne (Germany).
Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Semaphore Gallery, New York City.
Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn New York.
Berry College, Mt. Berry Georgia.
La Maison Française, Columbia University, New York City.
Tyler School of Art, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.
Floating Wall Gallery, Santa Ana, California.
University of California, San Diego.
New Mexico Showcase, Juried by Peter Frank at 516 Arts, Albuquerque, NM, Juror's Honoree.
“Albuquerque NOW”, The Albuquerque Museum, Albuquerque, NM
“Creativity and Cognition”, Loughborough University UK.
“Complexity”, Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, SUNY New Paltz, NY
"Art & Music", Galerie Marlene Frei, Zürich, Switzerland
“Art & Music”, Galerie Anton Meier, Geneva, Switzerland
“Between Sound and Vision”, Gallery 400, College of Architecture and the Arts, University of Illinois, Chicago
“The Sight of Sound”, Transamerical Pyramid Lobby, San Francisco, California
“Second, Third and Fourth Movements of the Ursonate”, Podewil, Berlin
“Zwei Videodokumente von dm Butsch”, Das Institut, Berlin
“Vom Ruf zum Nachruf”, Landesausstellung um Stift St. Florian, Linz (Austria)
"From Dada through Ulm to Mama", Universität Ulm und Ulmer Kunststiftung, Ulm (Germany)
“Inspiration”, Trans Hudson Gallery, Jersey City, New Jersey (NYC)
"Matter Matters [Navigating the terrain of contemporary painting]", Procter Art Center Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y.
"Inaugural Exhibition", American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science, Washington D.C.
Salon De Musique, Suite de Printemps; Partitions et Notations" Galerie Lara Vincy, Paris
"Das Bruckner-Bild im Wandel", Bruckner-Fest, Würzburg (Germany)
"Kleine Formate II", Galerie Der Spiegel, Cologne
Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire
"FLUXUS-VIRUS", "Temporary Museum" at the Kaufhof-Parkhaus and Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, Aktionsforum Praterinsel Munich
"Formen hören--Klänge sehen", Neckarwerke, Esslingen (Germany)
"Wort/Laut", Galeria Spàla, Prague
"No Trends," Nahan Contemporary, New York
"World Music Days", Sonja Henie og Nils Onstad Stiftelser, Hövikodden (Oslo, Norway)
"Overtures", Irvine (California) Medical Center Gallery
"Wort/Laut," Galerie Schüppenhauer, Cologne, and Museum Haus Kemnade, Bochum
"Magie der Farbe", Kunstverein Zwettl an die Niederösterreich- Geselschaft für Kunst und Kultur (Austria)
"Studio Gallery American Collection", Centrum Sztuki,Warsaw (subsequent travel to Zakopane, Suwalki, other Polish cities)
“Twelve From New York: Recent Acquisitions for the Nordstern Collection", Grey Art Gallery, NewYork University
"Lignes et images: sept artistes américains aux modes complexes", Galerie Anton Meier, Geneva
"--auf ein Wort! Aspekte visueller Poesie und Musik", Gutenberg Museum, Mainz
Friends of Louise Tolliver Deutschman", Paris-New York-KentGallery, Kent Connecticut
"Musique et Peinture", Musée Municipal de Cholet (France)
"Capriccio",Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels
"Illuminations: The Art of Our Future", Art & Industrie, NY
"L'Art est un jeu", Atelier St. Anne, Brussels
"Vom Klang der Bilder", Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
"Earsights: Visual Scores & Musical Images", Nexus Gallery, Philadelphia (traveled to Southern Alleghenies Museum, Johnstown Pennsylvania)
"Newscapes: Land and City/States of Mind", One Penn Plaza, NY
"Music to My Eyes", Pyramid Gallery, Rochester, NY
On the Wall/On the Air: Artists Make Noise", Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.
"Earworks", Grommet Gallery, New York
"On the Leading Edge", General Electric Corporate Headquarters, Fairfield Connecticut
"Cloudworks", Neill Gallery, New York
"Sonorita Prospettiche", Comune di Rimini (Italy)
"The Monument Redefined" (Gowanus Annual II), Brooklyn NY
Second Annual Heresies Benefit Exhibition, Grey Art Gallery, New York University, New York
"System Inquiry Translation", Touchstone Gallery, N.Y.
"U.S. Art '80", Ericson Gallery, New York
"On the Shelf Invitational", 15 Sculptors Gallery, N.Y.
1979"Five Sculptors", Nobe Gallery, New York
"Sound (Scores and Notations)", Institute for Art and Urban Resources at P.S. 1, Long Island City, New York
"Group Indiscriminate", 112 Workshop, New York City
University of New Mexico, IFDM [Interdisciplinary Film and Digital Media] “Practical Intermediations”, co-taught with Panaiotis, and co-developed with Kristen Lorree.
“Visualization and the Art of Metaphor”, a tutorial developed from “Visualization and Metaphor” (co-developed and taught with Judith v. der Elst, at the University of New Mexico, 6th Creativity and Cognition Conference: Tools, Media, and Environments, Washington D.C.
University of New Mexico: "Visualization and Metaphor", co-taught with Judith v der Elste at the ARTSLab, Albuquerque, NM.
University of California, Irvine, Ca.
University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Rhode Island Scool of Design, Providence, RI.
University of Texas at Arlington, Tx.
University of Colorado, Boulder, Co.
AXA Nordstern Allgemeine Versicherungs-AG, Cologne
AXA Nordstern/Colonia, Wien
Atlantic-Richfield Corporation, Dallas, Texas
Alternative Traditions in Contemporary Art, School of Art and Art History, University of Iowa, Iowa City
Museum Boymans van Beuningen, Rotterdam
Sonja Henie og Nils Onstad Stiftelser, Hövikodden, Norway
Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire
Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
Federal Reserve Board, Washington D.C.
Graphisch Sammlung Albertina, Wien
General Electric Corporation, Ridgefield, Connecticut
Herbert and Virginia Lust Collection
Madison Green corporation, New York City
Muzeum Sztuki, Lodz, Poland
Neue Galerie der Stadt Linz, Linz, Austria
Morgan Guaranty Trust, Inc., New York City
Northern Trust Bank, Dallas, Texas
Pritzker and Pritzker (Hyatt Regency), Chicago
RCA Records / Bertlesmann Group, Inc., New York City
Ruth & Marvin Sackner Collection, Miami Beach, Florida
Gilbert & Lila Silverman Collection, Southfield, Michigan
Xerox Engineering Systems, Germany